About Us
Manufacturer of Automated Macro Defect Semiconductor Wafer Inspection, Sorting, and Metrology Equipment
Founded in 1994, Microtronic, Inc. is a U.S.-based, manufacturer and supplier of automated macro defect semiconductor wafer inspection equipment, semiconductor wafer sorters, and semiconductor metrology solutions. Our EAGLEview brand of automated macro defect wafer inspection systems help semiconductor manufacturers and fabs throughout the world decrease their time to market, optimize defect detection accuracy, and minimize production problems.
Save Time & Money
Discover How To Get A Quicker ROI.
Microtronic’s automated macro defect semiconductor wafer inspection equipment, sorters, and metrology tools are manufactured to support our clients’ business goals, as well as their manufacturing processes. Microtronic semiconductor wafer inspection systems and applications deliver a quicker ROI by more accurately detecting defects at critical points in the semiconductor manufacturing process and at a much higher throughput. Watch our video to learn more.
Our Products
Leapfrog the Competition

EAGLEview – Automated Macro Wafer Defect Inspection
Automated Macro Defect Inspection Equipment for Semiconductor Wafers EAGLEview Automated Macro Defect Wafer Inspection Equipment...

ProcessGUARD – EAGLEview Desktop Client
Microtronic ProcessGuard Semiconductor Wafer Defect Inspection Management Software Automate Your Macro Defect Semiconductor Wafer Inspection...

Trans-Imager | Translating process images into significant tool-defect reduction Real-time, tool-specific defectivity data Now there...

SITEview Software – Defect Review, Images, and Sorting
SITEview Software | Automated Semiconductor Wafer Optical Inspection and Metrology Semiconductor Wafer Defect Review, Image...
The Industry’s Most Yield-Enhancing
Macro Defect Inspection System

Defect Library
See What You Cannot See

Reticle Tilt Defect
Reticle Tilt Defect EagleView easily spots reticle tilt semiconductor wafer defects which may look similar...

Spin Defect – Line
Spin Defect – Line Example of single line spin macro defect detected by EAGLEview. This...

Spin Defect – Entire Wafer
Spin Defect – Entire Wafer This is a spin or coat macro defect which covers...

Spin Defect on Edge
Spin Defect on Edge Spin Defect on the edge of the semiconductor wafer is a...

Center Spin Macro Defect
Center Spin Macro Defect Spin defects can occur anywhere on the wafer or throughout the...